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  • Alpha-Theta Neurofeedback

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    Alpha-Theta Neurofeedback in Petaluma

    Alpha-Theta is a highly effective, yet gentle neurofeedback approach that coaxes the brain into the state between wakefulness and sleep. This deep state, which is associated with the production of alpha and theta waves in the brain, is a meditative, dream-like consciousness where the conscious, over-active mind is able to relax and relinquish control, and the inner world of images can emerge. It is a state conducive to learning and growth, where the brain is able to engage with and process material out of conscious awareness, which makes it uniquely well-suited for trauma, anxiety, stress, and peak performance.

    What is Alpha-Theta?

    When alpha waves predominate, we find ourselves in a meditative and calm, yet alert state. Theta waves are present when we are very relaxed and on the verge of falling asleep. At the end of the day, we must move from beta waves, where we are alert and focused, through alpha and theta, to enter into delta, where we experience deep sleep.

    Using the time-tested and research-supported Alpha-Theta neurofeedback protocol, we can hold the brain at the cusp between alpha and theta. In this pre-sleep, “twilight” state, we can access the unconscious mind more easily. This allows unprocessed memories and emotions to be safely discharged without re-traumatizing the client. In fact, the experience is very pleasant and feels similar to a power nap.

    Benefits of Alpha Theta

    Alpha-Theta is usually offered with ILF Neurofeedback, and is most appropriate for clients who have achieved a level of stability and calm in their nervous systems. Some of the benefits of Alpha-Theta include:

    What is Alpha-Theta Used For?

    Because Alpha-Theta helps restore calm and stability to the nervous system, it is used with most clients in our practice in combination with ILF. Although it is generally helpful, research suggests that Alpha-Theta is particularly useful for the conditions below.



    Anxiety | Panic

    Anxiety | Panic

